How do people typically go about selecting the best stocks to own? Either they have a talent for stock picking, a talent which may, in fact, take years to fully develop, or they buy into a fund that employs thousands of experts to select the best stocks for it and then, of course, the fund charges you for the management fees. But, what if you could just find and copy a trader that knows which ones are the best stocks to own? You know, a real Wolf of Wall Street, one who can ride the hottest stocks and bring the money home? Well, Kaz Hall , a trader from Australia and one whom we have been watching mlkm
recently with great interest, just might be that one.
Trading Wall Street, Wolf Style
When you open Kaz’s profile, a smiling face appears yet beneath that hides a true stock picker, one who knows which stocks to ride on and which to leave behind, a real wolf. As seen in his portfolio, Kaz allocates 84% of his investments to Wall Street. What were his biggest investments? Kaz was investing heavily in three major companies, Alcoa, Facebook and Apple, each from a different sector, each with a different growth story but each one yielded very well for this wolf.
Alcoa- Is considered a broad play on the U.S. economy. Alcoa is the world’s largest aluminium producer; aluminium is used in a wide range of products ranging from Coca Cola cans to automobiles. Alcoa gains from a broad improvement in the U.S. economy as only such an improvement makes aluminium demand higher. Kaz was counting on the U.S. growth engine to continue to accelerate and what was the result? It paid off big for Kaz with a return of 67.4% on this investment.
Facebook- Unlike Alcoa, for the vast majority of human beings, Facebook needs no introduction as the world’s largest social network with more than 500 million users. Facebook profits from its access to our “likes” and feeds and leverages those likes to ad Dollars. That’s right; ultimately Facebook makes its Dollars from advertising either through actual products or games and other apps that use Facebook as a platform to promote their business. Kaz was betting big that the social network was still a hot stock despite some negative headlines and the result? Big bucks; Kaz got a solid 53.5% return on his investment in Facebook.
Apple – Seemingly, Apple and Facebook are from the same category of tech while Alcoa is basic materials. But that is only if you don’t know about Apple’s business sectors which have turned from solely Tech into consumer electronics and music streaming. Kaz benefit from the hype around the iPhone 6 which only recently emerged and its better-than-expected results in the past earnings call. The result? A 32.3% gain for Kaz.
The $10,000 Question
Truth to be told, Kaz is no conservative; he’s not risk averse at all, in fact, he loves risk like many other so-called Wall Street Wolves. Which means he risks ...